Charlie Bondhus
He spent a total of 11 days and two hours in a box the size of a coffin and 29 hours in a box
that was even smaller, at 21 inches wide, 2 1/2 feet deep and 2 1/2 feet high.
He touched the lid and saw a minaret.
The archangel came and whispered the wahy.
From all edges came a crackling
call to prayer.
The angel bade him Recite;
his voice was a hammer driving nails.
The water ran red, as in the days
of Moses. It stained his beard.
His body believed
itself drowning.
The angel asked: How does this begin?
A voice responded:
Start with pulled string. Start with legs
that jangle and kick when the string is pulled.
Start somewhere else, where there’s standing
water and sun, and mosquitos
breed like hallucinations. Start with awake, with 29
hours, water on the floor.
Start with food and rape, two broken feet,
a sprained ankle, an amputated leg. Start with power
drills and prolapse. Start with hypothermic shock.
He thought of date palms brushing
the ceiling in the lobby
at the Hotel Dubai.
Once there were fireworks;
their colors lit up the mosque’s
sandstone façade.