About Flycatcher
empathy / ecology / belonging
Through writing and visual art, Flycatcher strives to explore what it means—or what it
might mean—to be native to this earth and its particular places. To that end, we are
interested in work that engages the themes of empathy, ecology, and belonging, or that
struggles with a lack of the same.
Though the natural world certainly informs our publishing vision, as it could not do
otherwise, Flycatcher is not an environmental journal in any absolute sense and our
interests are not limited to “nature writing,” as we do not accept the separation implied by
such labels. It is perhaps most accurate to say that Flycatcher is an ecological journal.
Often, however, the terms environmental and ecological are used interchangeably, so part
of our mission is to embody the latter in its fullest and most meaningful (and most rooted)
sense: Ecology is the study of eco, from the Greek oikos, “home.”
Flycatcher publishes one or two issues a year on an irregular schedule as able. We nominate
for awards and do all we can to promote the work of our authors and artists. Work first
published in Flycatcher has gone on to appear in Best of the Net 2012, Not Somewhere Else
but Here: A Contemporary Anthology of Women and Place, The Southern Poetry Anthology,
and elsewhere.
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Who We Are
Christopher Martin, Founding Editor
chris [at] flycatcherjournal [dot] org
Chris lives with his family in the northwest Georgia piedmont, between the Allatoona
Range and Kennesaw Mountain. He is the author of three poetry chapbooks: Everything
Turns Away (La Vita Poetica Press, 2014), Marcescence: Poems from Gahneesah (Finishing
Line Press, 2014), and A Conference of Birds (New Native Press, 2012). His poems and essays
have appeared or are forthcoming in Shambhala Sun, Waccamaw, Ruminate Magazine,
Thrush Poetry Journal, Still: The Journal, Buddhist Poetry Review, Poecology, Pilgrimage,
American Public Media’s On Being blog, The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume V:
Georgia, and elsewhere.
Kathleen Brewin Lewis, Senior Editor
kathleen [at] flycatcherjournal [dot] org
Kathleen, author of the poetry chapbook Fluent in Rivers (FutureCycle Press, 2014), is an
Atlanta writer who was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, and still feels the pull and
tug, like the tide, of the Lowcountry. A graduate of Wake Forest University, she has an MA
in Professional Writing with a concentration in creative writing from Kennesaw State
University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Yemassee, Southern Humanities
Review, Foundling Review, Weave Magazine, Boston Literary Magazine, The Prose-Poem
Project, Bolts of Silk, Curio Poetry, Town Creek Poetry, Loose Change Magazine,
Constellations, and The Penwood Review. Her poems have been included in two
anthologies: The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume V: Georgia and A Blackbird Sings; a
flash fiction piece of hers was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Deep South Magazine.
Kathleen is particularly interested in works that blur genres, such as the short-short story,
the prose poem, and the lyric essay. She is quite fond of hiking in the north Georgia and
North Carolina mountains with her husband, children, and friends. But her favorite spot on
earth, the place she feels most at home, is Tybee Island.
Kendall Klym, Associate Editor
A former professional ballet dancer, Kendall is a lecturer of English at Kennesaw State
University outside of Atlanta. He is the grand prize winner of the 2013 Puerto del Sol
Fiction Contest, with “The Dancing Plague,” and the runner-up winner of the 2013 Howard
Frank Mosher Short Fiction Prize, with “Pavlova.” Kendall has published short stories in
Cooweescoowee and Bryant Literary Review, and has stories forthcoming in Puerto del Sol
and Hunger Mountain. In 2010, he earned a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University
of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Precious Williams, Assistant Editor
Precious settled in the metro-Atlanta area with her family in 2003, after living in states
throughout the country—from Washington to South Carolina—as well as overseas in
Germany. She is currently enrolled in her last semester of the M.A. in Professional Writing
program at Kennesaw State University, where she also completed her B.A. in English.
Precious has a background in editing and technical writing, but her current focus is in
creative writing, primarily nonfiction and poetry. Many of her themes focus on family, life
as an African-American female, and the human experience.
Sydney Langway, Assistant Editor
Sydney was born and raised in Atlanta and recently returned from a couple of years in
Brooklyn, New York. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Spanish Language
from the University of Georgia. Her writing has been published in the online journal
Literary Laundry. More recent examples of Sydney's work can be found on her blog, where
she focuses on creative nonfiction, memoir, poetry, and short stories. Sydney has plans to
convert her creative energy into a career as a copywriter. She enjoys running around Grant
Park, practicing yoga, and editing her boyfriend's music videos.
Jennifer Martin, Visual Arts Adviser
To be an Atlantan, for most, is a case of proximity: Jennifer has been this type of Atlantan
for most of her life. But for the past several years she has been an Atlantan according to a
more precise definition, living in its various neighborhoods—from Sweet Auburn to Candler
Park—and has found her ground and wellspring in the place she grew up passing by.
Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Georgia State University and a Master of
Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She operates in the disciplines of
art and architecture, with a particular focus on materiality and the physical and conceptual
territory of the seam.
A special thanks to members of Flycatcher's original editorial team who have since moved
on: Karen Pickell, an editor for the first two issues and associate editor for the third; Jordan
Thrasher, an editor for the first four issues; and Laurence Stacey and Megan Gehring, both
editors for the first issue.