Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time:
Indigenous Thoughts Concerning the Universe

MariJo Moore and Trace A. DeMeyer (Editors)

Renegade Planet Publishing, 2013
318 pages

Noted by Kensie Blackledge
Western perceptions of Native American culture are too often limited to dream-catchers, toy bow and arrow sets, and Indian headdresses sold as Halloween costumes. MariJo Moore and Trace A. DeMeyer have put together an interesting, varied, authentic anthology focused on Native American spirituality. In Unraveling the Spreading Cloth of Time: Indigenous Thoughts Concerning the Universe, Native American beliefs on the interconnection of the universe are compared to Western concepts of Quantum physics. This collection of essays, poems, memoirs, and songs by 40 Native American writers from various nations expounds upon the belief that every person has a role in the universe and serves a greater purpose. This anthology helps to explain the universe as a concept, not just the physical matter that Westerners typically accept. Moore is a writer and artist of Cherokee, Dutch, and Irish descent, while DeMeyer has written two books about the Indian adoption projects.

* * *

Kensie Blackledge is the
editorial intern for Flycatcher.


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