Jennifer Wheelock
The Wall in the Head
“The wall in the head is still there.”
Tom Synnatzschke, on a species of deer in Germany that won’t cross the border where the
Iron Curtain once stood, though it has been gone 20 years.
Blocked by nothing—
no fence or fiery wire—
the red doe stops
at the border where
the Berlin Wall
fell twenty years ago.
Watch her look
and turn, as though
a wall of glass stands
in her way.
Scarf of scruff,
winter coat flecked
with snowy spots,
she turns back
to the trail
on the side she knows.
High above, a woodpecker,
like a distant machine gun,
disturbs the peace,
and the doe’s ears
twitch. She is all
collective memory,
worn path, stubborn
to stay
in the old